Josh’s Workshop: Drawing Concept Art

I especially appreciated the approach that Josh taught us about how to begin drawing a concept.  He had us just start drawing without a preconceived notion except what general subject of the drawing was, kind of a free association.  It was great seeing Josh draw and talk about his process, and then it was fun drawing my own concepts.  Here are my pictures:

Preliminary concept sketches of six creatures and six spaceships.
A giant 3-headed monster in charcoal
Two more space creatures.
Concept for a small town on a planet
Space research station
Dragonfly Spaceship
Funky vessel that must be related to the USS Enterprise in some way

1 Comments On “Josh’s Workshop: Drawing Concept Art”

  1. Some great designs here and I appreciate how different they all look! I think you would have a future in concept design if you wanted to because all of the designs tell an interesting story in some way. Little things like adding the person upside down in the three-headed monster gives us so much information (scale, danger, brutal, etc..) Thanks for enjoying my Workshop!