- Postcard from Nowhere: Collage with Cyanotype, Photographic Prints and Drawing Elements
This project would be for a photography class, and involves some use of mixed media as well. It would happen late in the semester, once students have done some photography and made inkjet prints, including test prints which would provide raw material in the form of unwanted prints for whatever reason. The lesson would be in two parts. First, students would experiment with composition in creating cyanotype photograms, using objects they would find. We would focus on texture and pattern in the objects. Students would lay out their compositions and then take them outside to expose them, and then rinse and use hydrogen peroxide.
Next, Students would be asked to create post-card images of imaginary places, which could be interiors or exteriors. They would use some of the cyanotypes along with unwanted inkjet or darkroom prints as raw material, and then cut them up and re-compose them into imaginary spaces. Finally, they would be able to work back into the images using mixed media.
Artists to look at for this project: Mikaline Thomas

Man Ray
Laurie Snyder